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  • Contact | GC Wind Services

    Contact Us Address 40A Ourimbah Road Tweed Heads NSW 2485 Phone 07 5535 0248 Email Connect Get in Touch With Us Today! At GC Wind Services, we offer specialised services including wind monitoring , met mast installation , Mast decommissioning , and remote works across Australia and internationally. Our expert team is committed to delivering high-quality solutions with an unwavering emphasis on safety and excellence. Whether you're looking to optimise your project or ensure its successful execution, we're here to help. Contact us today to discuss how our tailored services can contribute to your project's success and meet your unique needs. ​ Get In Touch First name Last name Email Write a message Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • GC Wind Services | Tower Rigging, Construction, Labour Hire

    GC Wind Services – Engineering a Better Future Innovation Beyond Limits 关于我们 GC Wind Services 的使命是利用我们在建筑和风电方面的专业知识。可再生能源提供 无与伦比的 服务并确保我们客户的任何项目的满意度。 在 GC Wind Services,我们坚持诚信、尊重和卓越的最高标准。作为一家澳大利亚拥有和经营的企业,我们坚定地致力于保护我们的文化遗产,并以自豪和奉献精神为我们的社区服务。 ​ 我们坚信努力工作、注重细节以及对我们所做的一切品质的不懈追求。我们的专家团队专注于桅杆和塔架安装的所有领域,我们很自豪能够提供全面的服务,从桅杆、起重机、直升机索具、土建工程、塔架加固和通信设备。 ​ 最重要的是,我们重视团队的安全。我们了解工作中涉及的风险,并采取一切预防措施确保员工和客户的安全。 ​ 我们致力于与客户建立持久的关系。我们信奉开放沟通、诚实和透明,并努力在我们承接的每个项目中超越客户的期望。 ​ 我们致力于在澳大利亚提供全国最高水平的服务。 阅读更多 Safety Quality Integrity 我们的服务 我们提供一系列服务来满足您的需求 在 GC Wind Services,我们为风能项目提供端到端服务。从最初的现场评估和可行性研究到细致的安装、维护和维修,我们的专业团队确保项目的无缝执行。无论是陆上还是海上,我们都会定制我们的服务,以满足每个客户的独特要求,提供卓越的结果,最大限度地提高效率并最大限度地减少对环境的影响。请相信我们对卓越的承诺,因为我们通过全面的气象桅杆安装服务继续引领可再生能源和电信的发展。 Read More Wind Monitoring We offer advanced end-to-end wind monitoring solutions tailored to renewable energy sector projects. Read More > Met Masts We offer a wide range of customisable meteorological masts solutions to fit your specific needs. Read More > Decomissions Executed with meticulous planning, assessment and environmental responsibility. Read More > Remote Works Our dedicated team is adept at executing civil works projects in remote and hard-to-reach locations. Read More > 我们的工作 凭借对卓越的热情和该领域的专业知识,我们为提供卓越的风能解决方案而感到自豪。我们的画廊让您一睹我们成功执行的各种项目的风采,突显我们对质量、创新和可持续能源的承诺。 根据我们的核心公司价值观和强烈的安全关注,GCWS 的综合管理系统的开发不仅是为了维持而且超越以下要求: AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015 和 ISO 45001:2018。 我们公司 GC Wind Services 是风能和风力发电专业服务的领先提供商。澳大利亚的电信业。 我们自豪地是本土拥有的公司,提供全面的解决方案,旨在支持全国气象桅杆通信塔的开发、运营和维护。 我们的高技能专业团队均拥有丰富的行业经验,致力于为客户提供最高水平的服务。 在 GC Wind Services,我们致力于确保最高标准的安全、质量和可靠性。我们努力成为客户在快速发展的风能、能源和电信领域中值得信赖的合作伙伴。 迪伦·多尔蒂 常务董事 基伦·格拉兹布鲁克 常务董事 迈尔斯·菲帕德 施工经理 凯姆·亨利 施工经理 我们的伙伴 我们感谢宝贵的合作伙伴和支持者,他们在我们的成功中发挥了关键作用。 我们与领先的基础设施提供商合作,确保为客户提供最高质量的解决方案。

  • GC Wind Services

    Our People Meet The Team Managing Director Dylan Doherty This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Managing Director Kieren Glazebrook This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Construction Manager Miles Phippard I love the adventure and camaraderie at GCWS and enjoy sharing the skills and knowledge I have acquired over the years with the team. Construction Manager Kym Henry This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Construction Administrator Rafael de Souza Rodrigues Working at GC Wind has been enriching, thanks to the supportive team, and I am excited to contribute to our renewable energy goals. Customer Support Lead Stacey Coaker This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. QA Specialist Andrew Cole This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Content Strategist Debbie Green This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Compliance & Media Officer / Chief Remote Pilot Sabian Carey I am part of an awesome team who values my skillsets and provides extraordinary opportunities to learn and travel. Build Supervisor Cooper Black This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Picture your face here? Apply Today

  • Remote Civil Works Projects - GC Wind Services

    Remote Works 我们的服务 远程土建工程 在充满挑战的地形中开拓基础设施发展。我们的专业团队擅长在偏远和难以到达的地点执行土建工程项目。从道路和桥梁到公用事业和地基,我们采用创新技术和尖端技术来确保高效且经济高效的解决方案。凭借在最苛刻的环境中提供卓越结果的良好记录,相信我们能够以精确度和专业知识将您的愿景变为现实。与我们合作进行可靠的远程土建工程,释放基础设施开发的新可能性 Proven Track Record of Excellence With a proven track record of delivering exceptional results in the most demanding environments, GC Wind Services is your trusted partner for remote civil works. Whether it's constructing roads, bridges, utilities, or foundations, our team has the expertise and experience to tackle projects of any scale and complexity. We understand the importance of precision and reliability in remote civil works, which is why we prioritise meticulous planning, rigorous quality control, and stringent safety protocols throughout every phase of the project. From concept to completion, we are committed to exceeding expectations and bringing your vision to life with precision and expertise. Unlock new possibilities in infrastructure development by partnering with GC Wind Services for reliable remote civil works. Contact us today to discuss your next project and discover how we can help you overcome the challenges of remote terrain with confidence and success. 需要讨论您的下一个项目吗? 给我们打电话

  • Mast Removal & Decommissioning Services - Gc Wind Services

    Mast Decommissioning Solutions in Australia 桅杆退役 气象桅杆和天气监测结构的专业拆卸和清除服务。我们安全高效地退役桅杆,确保对环境负责的做法,同时遵守行业标准。凭借我们熟练的团队和最先进的设备,我们处理退役过程的各个方面,从现场评估到完全拆除。相信我们能够管理生命周期终止流程,让您的网站保持干净、安全,并为未来的工作做好准备。与我们合作实现桅杆无缝退役,确保可持续、平稳过渡 Environmental Impact, and Safety Before mast decommissioning, we ensure environmental responsibility through thorough impact assessments. We analyse soil contamination, habitat disruption, and effects on wildlife, guiding mitigation to minimise harm. Additionally, repurposing decommissioned masts for renewable energy projects is gaining momentum. Retrofitting with solar panels or small wind turbines enables sustained contribution to sustainable energy, maximising infrastructure lifespan and utility while reducing waste. Safety is paramount in mast decommissioning, with stringent protocols and regulations governing the process. From risk assessments to execution, safety is integrated at every step. Rigorous training ensures personnel readiness, while adherence to industry standards minimises the risk of accidents or environmental harm. ​ For expert guidance on environmentally responsible mast decommissioning and renewable energy solutions, reach out to GC Wind Services today. 需要讨论您的下一个项目吗? 给我们打电话

  • Our Projects | GC Wind Services

    Our Projects 我们打造持久的项目 At GC Wind Service, we take pride in our diverse portfolio of successful projects that highlight our expertise in the wind energy sector. From the installation of advanced wind monitoring equipment to the careful decommissioning of aging masts, our work reflects our commitment to quality and sustainability. ​ ​ Featured Projects: 气象桅杆 西澳大利亚州卡那封。 提供的服务: 退役 3 x 120m 桅杆。 气象桅杆 尤克拉,南澳大利亚。 提供的服务: 安装 1 x 150m 桅杆。 气象桅杆风力系统 月光山脉风电场,昆士兰州。 提供的服务: 安装 1 x 120m 桅杆和风系统。 气象杆维护 斯托克亚德山风电场,维多利亚。 提供的服务: 桅杆维护与保养仪表传感器交换

  • Met Masts equipment Supply | GC Wind Services

    Met Masts Equipment Supply Solution in Australia 气象桅杆供应 我们是您可靠的气象桅杆解决方案来源。我们提供全面的气象桅杆、塔系统和数据监测设备,为可再生能源项目、环境研究等提供准确的风力和天气测量。借助我们的高质量产品和专家指导,您可以收集精确的数据并自信地做出明智的决策。相信我们提供一流的气象桅杆供应,将您的项目提升到新的高度。 Applications and Expert Guidance ​ Our met masts are ideal for renewable energy projects and environmental studies, providing precise data for better decision-making. We specialise in customised solutions for challenging environments, ensuring reliable data collection even in harsh weather or remote locations. Our expert guidance includes consultation services, technical support, and personalised project recommendations. Trust our high-quality products, rigorously tested to withstand tough conditions, to elevate your projects to new heights. Reach out to GC Wind Services for met mast supply or any assistance. For inquiries or assistance , please call GC Wind Services. 需要讨论您的下一个项目吗? 给我们打电话

  • Wind Monitoring Equipment | GC Wind Services

    Wind Monitoring Equipment Solutions 我们为您提供风监测设备解决方案,为各种应用收集准确可靠的数据。我们可以提供风监测设备来捕获重要的气象参数,包括风速、风向和湍流,为可再生能源、航空和环境研究等行业提供支持。依靠我们的风监测设备来提升您的风相关项目,并在这个不断变化的环境中保持领先地位。 风监测设备 ​ ​ ​ We supply durable met masts, tower systems, and cutting-edge data monitoring equipment designed for reliability and precision. Our products are crafted from advanced materials such as composite fibres and corrosion-resistant alloys, ensuring they can withstand the harshest environmental conditions. Our equipment includes: Met Masts : Sturdy and reliable structures for mounting wind sensors. Tower Systems : Flexible and robust systems designed for various site requirements. Data Monitoring Equipment : High-precision instruments to collect and analyse wind data accurately. Collaborative Data-Driven Decision Making ​ Our wind monitoring campaigns provide crucial data for optimising project performance and maximising return on investment (ROI). We partner closely with our clients to deliver personalised solutions that align with their project goals. Our team offers continuous support throughout the monitoring process, ensuring your success from start to finish. With our expert analysis, you can make informed decisions based on accurate and comprehensive wind data. ​ Contact GC Wind Services today for tailored wind monitoring solutions that meet your specific needs and drive your renewable energy projects forward. 需要讨论您的下一个项目吗? 给我们打电话

  • Career Opportunities | GC Wind Services

    Careers 为什么与我们合作? 带薪培训及提供开发 ​ 索具课程 缠身课程 急救课程 行业研讨会 矿场特定感应 ​ ​ 请立即申请或将您当前的简历通过电子邮件发送至

  • Weather Monitoring Systems | GC Wind Services

    我们的服务 天气监测系统 为您提供实时天气见解。探索旨在满足各行业多样化需求的先进天气监测解决方案。我们可以安装天气系统来提供准确的气象数据,包括温度、湿度、风速等。无论您是在规划安全、研究还是优化运营,我们可靠的天气监测系统都能提供您所需的关键信息,让您随时了解情况并自信地做出明智的决策。今天就提升您的天气情报。 需要讨论您的下一个项目吗? 给我们打电话

  • Wind Measurement Campaign - GC Wind Services

    Wind Measurement Campaign 风监测活动 利用风的力量做出明智的决策。我们为您的项目提供风监测活动。我们可以管理您的风监测活动,以便您捕获重要的气象参数,包括风速、风向和湍流,从而为可再生能源、航空和环境研究等行业提供支持。依靠我们的安装专业知识来提升您的风能相关项目,并在这个不断变化的环境中保持领先地位。 需要讨论您的下一个项目吗? 给我们打电话

  • Industrial & Commercial Construction - GC Wind Services

    我们的服务 商业建筑 构建您的愿景,塑造未来。我们是一家领先的建筑公司,致力于在住宅、商业和工业领域提供卓越的项目。凭借一支由经验丰富的专业人士组成的充满活力的团队,我们提供从规划到执行和完成的端到端解决方案。我们对优质工艺、创新和可持续发展的承诺确保每个项目都超出预期。无论是工业还是商业,请相信我们能够以精确、诚信和热情将您的梦想变为现实。 需要讨论您的下一个项目吗? 给我们打电话

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